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Ep 110: Preparing for the Dating Jungle with Tami Kiekhaefer

Ep 110: Preparing for the Dating Jungle with Tami Kiekhaefer

Dating is a jungle because there's so many things you need to learn about it to survive. You have to be prepared, which means knowing who you are internally. You need to know what your strengths and what your weaknesses are. You also have to know what you're looking...

Ep 108: A Life of Love with Julie Hilsen

Ep 108: A Life of Love with Julie Hilsen

Love is the reason that we are here. It is a constant place we can reside in. There's no need to look at it as work, but a state, that requires constant calibration, self refection, and compassion. - Julie Hilsen What does it mean to live in a love vibration? How can...

Ep 107: Consensual Non-Monogamy with Andre Lazarus and Susannah Rose

Ep 107: Consensual Non-Monogamy with Andre Lazarus and Susannah Rose

You have the ability to create your own relationship dynamic, and many people don't realize that. It doesn't have to fit in the category of "monogamy" or "polyamory" either, or mimic what you see other people doing, you can come up with whatever relationship...

Ep 106: Loving Things with Aaron Ahuvia

Ep 106: Loving Things with Aaron Ahuvia

When people love things and have a sincere love for things, most of the time it's because that things connects them to other people. Like a phone or a gift, the things we love connects us to others. - Aaron Ahuvia What does it mean when we say we love things? How is...

Ep 105: Ageless Love with Dr. Michael and Dr. Barbara Grossman

Ep 105: Ageless Love with Dr. Michael and Dr. Barbara Grossman

Romantic relationships are like fire. You have to nurture the fire, constantly have that energy, that wood, that's going to keep it going. You have to nurture it all the time. - Dr. Michael Grossman It's important to grow your relationship, so that you learn how to...

Ep 104: Talking About Sex with Liz Dube

Ep 104: Talking About Sex with Liz Dube

Cultivating eroticism is being in your body and allowing those flickers of desire to turn into a flame. And we're so busy, we're so stressed out and caught up in our stuff that we constantly squash those flickers of desire. So it's important to be able to notice, to...

Ep 102: 100 Acts of Love with Kim Hamer

Ep 102: 100 Acts of Love with Kim Hamer

Everybody needs help. Everybody wants to be counted and to be seen. We all want someone to say, 'I see you, I hear you, what can I do for you?'. - Kim Hamer What are some key practices to making open relationship go as smoothly as possible? What are some What is the...

Ep 101: Opening Deeply with Kate Loree

Ep 101: Opening Deeply with Kate Loree

The main thing that blocks two people from having amazing love is their unresolved trauma's. Because those unresolved traumas get projected into the relationships in different ways. If we can heal our unresolved trauma, then from that and from that place we can quit...

Loving the Earth: Special 100th Episode Celebration with Zach Beach

Loving the Earth: Special 100th Episode Celebration with Zach Beach

Do something for me, please. Fall in love. Fall in love with yourself. Fall in love with the streetlamp. Fall in love with the wind and the next person you meet. In the words of Shinji Moon, fall in love so often you can't tell where you last left your heart. Fall in...

Ep 99: Your Guide to Fawning with Nischa Heron Phair

Ep 99: Your Guide to Fawning with Nischa Heron Phair

Our pleasure potential isn't determined by how much pleasure we inundate ourselves with. It's determined by how much displeasure we allow in our lives. So if I'm running around having all the orgasms, and all the Epsom salt baths every night, that would be really...

Ep 98:  Building Exceptional Relationships with Alicia Davon

Ep 98:  Building Exceptional Relationships with Alicia Davon

The big secret to relationships is going into them 100%. This means having a willingness to really put work into the relationship, which applies to any type of change or path to getting things to happen in your life that you want. In the case of an awesome romantic...

Ep 97: Stay Married or Get Happily Divorced with Jennifer Hurvitz

Ep 97: Stay Married or Get Happily Divorced with Jennifer Hurvitz

I really believe in premarital counseling. You should really learn ahead of time how to communicate what your love languages are, your attachment style, and how to repair your relationship when there is conflict. Because that's really the biggest piece: learning how...

Ep 96: Blissful Marriages with Carolin Hauser

Ep 96: Blissful Marriages with Carolin Hauser

Having a great relationship is a practice. It's like building a muscle, if you want to have a strong back you don't just go to the gym one day a week, you do it every day. And you do it because it helps you and you feel good afterwards. The same thing with bonding...

Ep 95: How Long-Term Relationships Work with Figs O’Sullivan

Ep 95: How Long-Term Relationships Work with Figs O’Sullivan

Love is the most important thing. Unfortunately, no matter how grown up you are, you are still a little baby when it comes to love. What that means is we all need to be emotionally bonded, from the cradle to the grave. Our first need is not food and shelter, it is...

Ep 94: Loving Friendships with Stephanie Michelle

Ep 94: Loving Friendships with Stephanie Michelle

One of the key components to love that is so important is a desire to understand. In addition to that, love is created and made mutual is when that shared understanding is actually reached. That also means leaning into curiosity without any judgement. And it all...

Ep 93: Self-love over Self-care with Heather Bartos, MD

Ep 93: Self-love over Self-care with Heather Bartos, MD

Turning off your phone, going on a walk in nature, connecting to yourself, that's self love. Self love is like eating your vegetables, we don't always love them but they're good for us. Whereas self-care is dessert: the mani-pedis, bubble baths, wine, chocolate,...

Ep 92: Recognizing Emotional Abuse with Dr. Amelia Kelley

Ep 92: Recognizing Emotional Abuse with Dr. Amelia Kelley

The beautiful thing about being human is that there is always an opportunity to heal, and in that there is hope. But it's a journey, just like any other adversity. So I encourage anyone who has gone through an abusive relationship, to not expect an immediate switch of...

Ep 91: Falling in love with yourself with Judith Costa

Ep 91: Falling in love with yourself with Judith Costa

Love is a state of being. We tend to try to find love out there, like I'm going to feel complete when someone really loves me because they will give me the validation and sense of appreciation that I cannot find within myself. But what I really want people to...

Ep 90: Getting Out of the Single Rut with Valerie DiLuggo

Ep 90: Getting Out of the Single Rut with Valerie DiLuggo

I would love to see our culture shift to there being a wide variety of ways that we celebrate people, the milestones in their life, and their choices in how they want to have love show up in their life. Because we start with this default that everyone should want to...

Ep 89: Protecting Yourself From Narcissistic Abuse with Chelli Pumphrey

Ep 89: Protecting Yourself From Narcissistic Abuse with Chelli Pumphrey

To protect yourself from narcissistic abuse it's important to look out for the red flags, which I divide up into internal and external. The external red flags are what we can look for in a narcissistic or sociopath that helps us know that this behavior is not ago, for...

Ep 88: Loving Our Teens with Kari O’Driscoll

Ep 88: Loving Our Teens with Kari O’Driscoll

The more we can be intentional about the way that we interact with our kids, the more we can get the message across that what we really want for them is for them to feel safe, to be happy and to feel loved. - Kari O'Driscoll How can we become more mindful parents?...

Ep 87: Coming Out Later in Life with Samantha Fox

Ep 87: Coming Out Later in Life with Samantha Fox

I think that the idea of being able to be authentically yourself and embody yourself fully is priceless. We have one time through this life, and to go through that not being able to be authentically yourself is a very painful journey. So I feel that it is truly worth...

Ep 86: Holy Love with Elisa Romeo and Adam Foley

Ep 86: Holy Love with Elisa Romeo and Adam Foley

We live in Seattle, where you barely see the sun in the winter and you begin to ask, does the sun even exist anymore? And yet, in the spring, there it is. It's been there the whole time, behind the clouds. And that's what I want people to know about love. Even if...